Blogs Versus Articles
Blog house Inflatable Castle have arriv as a mean to get your messag across in a person way. Articl ar usual consid to be more inform and accur where detail ar concerned. From a search engin perspective, both ar a great sourc of information. But which on to rank better?
let' look at the valu each on brings:
personal,Timely. have "insid point of view" usual updat on a frequent basis
A rticles:
Authorative,Informative. detailed, market driven.
Blog clearli win out over the articles.
the articl will get more exposure,Unless your blog is highli ranked. sinc there ar more chanc of your articl be seen by more people. There ar mani sourc on the internet that you can submit your articl to, here is a link for some: seoresources.seoforgoogle.com
I can tell you that articl help re-enforc what you ar selling. By write an articl instead of a blog,From a busi perspective. there is a percept that more care is taken to write an article, therefor the inform contain within is worth more.
whether the author is blast a company,Peopl know that a blog will have a person spin to it. or promot someth that thei have a person or profession interest in.
no on ha made ani purchas for ani product be push in a blog,From my own trials. but instead there ha a distinguish influx of sale that can be directli trace back to an article.
So what doe thi mean to you?
us an article. If you need to get someth off your chest,If you have a product or servic you want to promote. creat a blog. While both ar thought of veri well by the search engines, you'r ultim goal is to convert the user, not confus the search engines.