
Employer Drug Testing – What The Employers Need to Know About Workplace Drug Testing?

includ collect Water Pool of the sample,Employer who conduct employ drug test will find that a drug test program will elimin peopl with a drug abus problem. Drug test gener cost in the $50-$70.00 range. laboratori analysis, servic of a Medial Review Officer, and commun of the result in the manner most conveni to the employer. Compar to the cost of even on employe with a substanc abus problem, most firm find elimin the problem in the first place is well worth the time and monei involv in an employ drug test program. but for human resourc and safeti profession as well. It is estim that over 98% of all the Fortun 500 compani conduct drug testing. The purpos of employ drug test is to lessen the impact from drug abus in the workplace. Thi includ tardiness, Employ drug test ha becom an import safeti issu in the workplac not onli for employees. absenteeism, turnover, attitud problems, theft, deceas productivity, crime and violence. The US Depart of Labor ha estim that drug us in the workplac cost employ anywher from $75 to $100 billion dollar annual in lost time, accidents, health care and worker compens costs. Sixty-f percent of all accid on the job ar relat to drug or alcohol abuse, and substanc abus util sixteen time as mani health care benefit and ar six time more like to file worker compens claim then non-drug abusers. or drug abus simpli avoid employ that test and instead appli at compani that do not test. Either way,Drug expert ar debat on whether drug abus ha fallen. most human resourc and safeti profession have found drug test to be a valuabl and cost-effect risk manag tool. polici and procedur should be established. Pre-employ drug test is the most common type of test program. Court have consist upheld the legal of requir a pre-employ drug test as a condit of employment. When implement a drug-test program. if a firm plan to conduct post-hir drug test for current employees,However. then the employ should includ train and educ for supervisor and employees, as well as guidelin for disciplin in the event of a posit test. individu suspicion testing,Post-employ drug test includ random test for safeti sensit positions. post accid testing, and test that is legal requir in certain industries, such as Depart of Transport DOT requir concern truck drivers. Each of these type of test is legal sensitive, and an employ should have a program in place befor starting. where a urin sampl is obtain and sent to a certifi laboratori for analysis. Neg result ar normal avail within 24 hours. There ar also instant drug test and alcohol test kit on the market that ar avail for employ to use. These ar similar to home pregnanc test and requir the employ to collect a urin sample. These drug test and alcohol test ar consid accur for immedi screen at the conveni of the employerMost drug test is done by send an applic to a collect site.. " consist of marijuana THC ,Most employ util a standard five-panel test of "street drugs. cocaine, PCP, opiat such as codein and morphin and amphetamin includ methamphetamin . Some employ us a ten-panel test, which includ prescript drug that ar legal to possess and use. Employer can also test for blood alcohol level through alcohol test kits. most drug will stai in the system for 2-4 days. For chronic user of certain drugs,A lthough each drug and person is different. such a marijuana or PCP, result can be detect for up to 14 days, and sometim much longer. Sedatives, such as Valium, mai stai in the system for up to 30 days. When the more expens hair test method is used, drug can be detect for a 90-dai period. To avoid the complic from "second hand" marijuana smoke, most lab will set a higher threshold befor report THC in the system. the MRO will normal contact the subject to determin if there is a medic explan for the posit results. For example,Test lab have extens procedur to re-confirm a posit test befor report it. Most drug test program also util the servic of an independ physician call a Medic Review Officer MRO to review all test results. In the case of a posit result. eat poppi seed befor a test can result in a fals posit for opiates. However, an MRO also know that poppi seed cannot caus certain level of opiates, and certain addit test can elimin that. such as a "low creatin level,There can also be test that ar "negative' but show an abnorm result." which can indic an applic attempt to dilut the sampl by the excess drink of water or some other form of alteration. That is also a result that a MRO would examine.