
Early Democratic Political Campaigns and Convention

" after Inflatable Camping Tent the British polit parti form to oppos the king of England in the 1700s. Soon,Thei call themselv "Whigs. thei would develop into a polit force, particularli in New England. the Democrat Parti again gather in Baltimor for their presidenti polit campaign convention. Vice Presid Martin Van Buren,In 1936. the man who had mastermind Andrew Jackson' campaign, wa the party' choic for president. Richard Mentor Johnson of Kentucki wa Jackson' choic for vice president, and the parti follow hi wishes. New York. He had becom a leader in New York state polit in what wa then the Republican Party,Van Buren wa the son of a tavern keeper from the small villag of Kinderhook. and although eventu ran a polit campaign to be elect senator, he remain in close touch with hi state organization. He understood the import of an organized, disciplin state party, and he had help develop thi organ as the Democrat Parti wa formed. and Jackson return the favor by campaign for Van Buren. He wa an experienc politician--far more experienc than Jackson had been--and he believ deepli in the Democrat Party. He felt that the Democrat Party' principles,Van Buren had put hi full effort into the polit campaign that elect Jackson. low taxes, no nation debt, states' rights, and strict interpret of the Constitution, should be clearli express to voters. the convention' messag to voters--th type of messag that would eventu be known as the party' platform--focus on parti hero like Jefferson,Hi hope wa that the party' polit campaign convent would focu on these ideas. Instead. Madison, Monro and Jackson. The actual nomine wa mention onli once. Van Buren bare won the popular vote,Despit Jackson' support for hi campaign and the back of the organ Democrat Parti structure. earn 50.9 percent. He did, however, receiv a major of the elector vote and assum the presid in 1837. 334 Democrat met in Baltimore. Thei repres everi state except Missouri,The first nation polit campaign convent were held in Decemb of 1831 for the Nation Republican party. Their nomine for the presid wa Henri Clay. Five month later. and their unanim choic for the nomin wa incumb Presid Andrew Jackson, with Martin Van Buren as hi run mate. ensur that thi wa not Jackson' party,Thi polit campaign convent wa an import mileston for the Democrat Party. Procedur were set up for futur convent and futur nominations. but a parti that would endur beyond a singl elect or a singl candidate. Major rule dictat which candid would be chosen. Two-third of the deleg need to approv not onli the presidenti but also the vice-presidenti nominee. and the Democrat Parti wa establish not as a branch of the Republican Parti but as a polit parti in it own right. Thank to Jackson,Jackson easili won the polit campaign and the election.it wa identifi as the parti of the common man; the wealthi and the elit were label it opponents. The Democrat Parti still retain some of thi imag today. Jackson challeng the nation bank system,Follow the polit campaign of 1832. shift feder monei from the nation bank to a seri of state banks. The bank issu prompt a group of businessmen and oppon of Jackson' to band togeth to oppos the man thei label "King Andrew I."