Small Business Owners: Can You Outrun The Bear?
Read good Adult Giant Water Slide articl on marketing. Read a good book on advertising. Go back to your busi fresh...and hit the ground running!
thi is for youIf you own a small business..
. One ask what thei should do if thei see a bear. "Run" sai on hiker. "You can't outrun a bear" sai the first hiker. The other hiker smile and sai "I don't have to outrun the bear...I just have to outrun you"We'v all heard the joke before; Two hiker in the woods..
I think of that joke. The current economi is a Bear. It' name is Recession. We don't have to outrun the recession. We just need out outrun our competitorsRec when peopl ask me about how I cope with the economy..
I can tell you this; Not everyon read these word will be in busi a year from now. Some will not outrun the BearA on who is sought for advice..
fear will slow their steps. Some will panic,For some. trip, and get eaten.
Som will beg the bear..curs the bear...ignor the bear...But the bear is unforgiv and merciless.
at least I'm not alone. The economi kill my business. It wasn't my fault. I'll just join my friend in the bread line. There is no shame in get eaten by a bear". You could be comfort by each other "Bear Stories"Mani will feel better as thei tell their friend "Well..
Coward comfort cowards. You heard me.
Th problem is real. No amount of Posit talk will chang the fact that our countri is in a DEEP recession. But there is Good News....
your reward for just surviv the next year will be huge! So what can you do nowEven a deep recess will onli last a coupl of years. We know that from history. No matter what you sell ...eventu peopl have to bui a new one. Demand get "Pent up". And with fewer competitor to share these sales.?
mani thought of studi market as someth other busi owner doIn the past..
W can't afford that view anymore. You need the idea from the success businesses. You need new wai to compet for a stagnant custom base.
just be in La Vega get my juic flowing. I watch peopl sit and gambl until all their monei is gone...and thei get noth back to show for it. How much easier is it to get people' monei when you give them great values? I'm saliv at the mere thought of those salesHeck..
A nd ar you advertis at all? Then you need to learn about profit advertising. You need to squeez everi drop of profit from everi ad. Everi advertis and market dollar need to work twice as hard as last year...
Let your competitor sit back thi year and whine and complain about the bear. Let them curl up in a ball..hop the bear doesn't see them. But not you.