2000,EDB Repair Inflatable Sports Arena Tool is a profession util that repair the corrupt EDB databas and provid select mailbox recoveri option as *.pst files. The EDB Repair Softwar ha an interact design that make it easi to operate. The tool support Exchang Server 5.5. 2003, and 2007.
let us consid a problem when you cannot mount the Exchang database. You observ that all Exchang servic run without ani error,To comprehend such situations. but when you try to mount the database, it report an error as below:
Ev Type: Error
Event Source: ESE
Event Category: Logging/Recovery
Ev ID: 412
Date: 7/3/2008
Time: 1:40:37 PM
User: N/A
Inform Store 4948 e53f288d-df1b-47ba-9c3b-901e530848a5: Unabl to read the header of logfil E:exchsrvrmdbdataE003C9F3.log. Error -530.
The error indic that it cannot read the logfil header.
error -530 occur indic the same.
you need to implement solut likeTo solv the exist -530 error issue.:
1.Restor from the last Informat Store backup. Renam the corrupt EDB and STM databas and creat new databas to restor lost data from backup.
C:Program FilesExchsrvrBIN . Next,2.Open the command prompt and navig to the Exchang Server directori usually. run Eseutil /P for the corrupt database.
you need to run Eseutil /D command to defrag the databas and then run isinteg -fix repeatedli until you receiv no error or get the same error after two times.
the databas mai not be stabl as data loss is likely. Thus,A ft run the hard repair through Eseutil /P command. it is recommend to either move the mailbox to a new databas or run a third-parti EDB Repair Softwar instead of perform the hard repair operation. The EDB Repair tool ar exclus built product design to scan and repair the corrupt Exchang databases.