
Is it Time to Resign?

Todai the Fun House dai of stai with a compani for your entir career ar realli gone! In fact, mani compani consid it an asset if you have had differ experi by work in differ environments. Y ar make a chang now becaus your posit isn't give you what you feel that you need to succeed- whether that is more $$$, more growth potential, better benefits-whatev it is, it is motiv you to make a chang and you have decid to resign. Nevertheless, your compani ha help get you where you ar today- Confid to make a chang to better yourself, but feel a littl uncomfort about resigning. After all, leav a job is a problem for your present employer. Now thei have to try to find someon as good as you have been for them, and get them to be product in a rel short time , so thei do not have ani impact financially. Y mai also have made friend at thi compani and that make it even more difficult to resign, but you have to think about you-#1- becaus thei certainli will be think about themselv at thi point too! Undoubtedly, thei will be sorri to lose you. If you were your boss, what would you be inclin to do if someon you valu resigned? You would probabl try to keep them! It is go to be inconveni for you to replac them. Thei ar probabl contribut to the compani sales/profit and possibl ar involv in project that could becom delai due to their resign .so, You make them a Counter Offer. Count offer ar made in a varieti of ways: 1. "We were just plan on give you a raise. I guess I should have told you sooner!" 2."W will match your new offer- We don't want to lose you!" 3."Let' not move too quickly- let me talk to the owner and see if we can do someth to keep you" 4."How can you do this? We have done so much for you and we realli need you now!" A you can imagine, thi can be veri flattering, and it is proven that it is a natur instinct to resist change, so your emot can realli start fluctuat at thi point. Rememb though, someth made you go on other job interview and even get to the point that you accept anoth offer. What were the main reason that you got to that point? Will that realli chang if you decid to stay? A sk yourself these questions? 1. Do I realli want to work for a compani that will onli give me what I want if I threaten to quit? Am I go to have to do thi again down the road when thing go back to normal? 2. If I do decid to stay, will thei trust me after I have gone out on other interview and express unhappi with my current position? 3. If thei have to lai someon off in the future, will thei think of me first? 4. Is thi realli my next raise? When review time come up later in the year, will I be elig or not? 5. Sinc thei have to give me more $$to stay, ar thei just pacifi me and will replac me with someon who would be happi with my current salari package? Then thei can let me go when thei have found that person! I could go on and on, and let me tell you I have heard mani differ stori over the years. The bottom line is that accept a Counter Offer is almost 99% alwai a MISTA KE! I rememb on case where my candid had been interview due to a lack of growth potenti at hi current company. He secur an excel opportun at more $$, and also move up on level and had at least 2 more step that were possibl for growth over the next ten or so years. When he resigned, thei hit him with about everi possibl thing thei could to keep him, and he let hi emot rule hi decis and accept their Counter Offer. It took about 9 months, and I final heard that he had been let go due to reorgan in the department. After we talked, he admit that thei told him that thei chose to lai him off sinc he had express unhappi with them earlier in the year. Luckili for him, he realli had much to offer other compani and we were abl to secur him an offer almost as good as the on he had rejected. The onli real issu wa that he wa unemploi for about 9 month and that wa a hardship that he and hi famili had to endure. He told me that he would never be "lazi enough to stai where he wa and accept a counter offer again!" He realli had to learn the hard way, so try to learn from hi mistake! Y need to end your relationship with your current compani as profession as you start it. You should resign with a resign letter in hand- state your two week notic and your commit to accept your new position. Hopefully, your compani will be profession as well and let you move ahead to your new job and retain the relationship that you had with them. Th counter Inflatable Moonbounce offer let you know that you did a good, possibl even great job for them. Accept it as a compliment and move ahead with the goal of be just as success in your new job!